Jakubczyk on Common Sense

Applying faith and reason to ideas, issues and events in today's world

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Rule" ? Howard Dean's view of the world

With all due respect to the wonderful self-sacrificing members of the medical profession, Howard Dean's use of the word "rule" reflects his " I know best - you'd better listen to me" mentality that probably developed from all of those years bossing around nurses and orderlies. Now he wants the Democrats to "rule" the nation.

This has been the problem in this country for the last 35 years. The Courts have been "ruling" the nation through their usurpation of those areas of the law that are the exclusive province of the executive and /or legislative branch. The Court has :ruled" that a certain group of people have no rights. The Supreme Court has "ruled" that certain perverse actions which spread disease and death are "protected behaviors." Various State supreme courts have "ruled" that centuries old definitions of how we order our lives are no longer relevant and that a certain type of person can imitate and mock something fundamental to the human condition.

But liberals, leftists socialists and communists have never really trusted the people. so when Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean talk about taking over all branches of government, one sees who will be pulling Obama's strings.

Our nation was founded with upon the belief that those would sit in the seat of government would never forget who put them there. Indeed that has been the exception more than the rule. Power begets power and people once in political power very seldom relinquish it. That includes those who get in the bureaucracy.

Tell howard Dean and Barack Obama that we do not want anyone to "rule" over us.

On November 4, 2008 vote John McCain - President.

Our freedoms are precious and we must be vigilant if we are to keep them.