Climate-Gate - Is it just the tip of the Iceberg?
Recent stories about the falsification of data in order to support the theory of man caused climate change have rocked the scientific community. Senator Inhofe stated he has called for an investigation on "Climate-gate." The Washington Times has an editorial that explaining that this information should have been made available to the public through Great Britain's Freedom of information Act and that condemning the hackers does not change the fact that members within the scientific community have been conspiring to mislead the public and government about the whole climate change issue.
As many have said for years, the whole climate change business is just another attempt by a certain element in this world to take control of people's daily lives and force them into a regimen that limits their opportunities. Hopefully this evidence of the fabrications within and among the promoters of global warming will awaken the rest of us and cause us to reject the latest in junk science.
As many have said for years, the whole climate change business is just another attempt by a certain element in this world to take control of people's daily lives and force them into a regimen that limits their opportunities. Hopefully this evidence of the fabrications within and among the promoters of global warming will awaken the rest of us and cause us to reject the latest in junk science.
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