Jakubczyk on Common Sense

Applying faith and reason to ideas, issues and events in today's world

Monday, May 08, 2006

Step up to the plate and support the marriage amendment

Whether you are a political figure or the fellow down the street, the importance of having certain matters clear in the law is critical to the maintenance of an ordered society. Part of our current crisis has to do with the desensitizing of language. Words no longer mean what they have meant for generations. In addition there is an effort to change the clear meaning of words and a cooperation by the mainstream media to insist that the society as a whole accept these changes to the meaning of words.

Lets address the word "marriage" which these days is the subject of federal and state constitutional amendments and all sorts of controversy

Marriage is defined as the act of marrying or the state of being married, specifically, a compact entered into by a man and a woman to live together as husband and wife. See Funk & Wagnalls New Comprehensive International Dictionary of the English Language.

Yet if one refers to Google and searches for definitions, one gets all sorts of referrals, some sensible, some not.

In any event in Arizona there is a move to define the concept of marriage. This is a good thing. Courts should not be redefining words that have long since been understood to mean a certain thing.

All of us should promote and sign this petition.
for further information contact Center for Arizona Policy and volunteer.