Jakubczyk on Common Sense

Applying faith and reason to ideas, issues and events in today's world

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Raising Men

I had a conversation today with a young man, the son of a friend of mine. I have known the
young man casually over the years, mostly through his parents. The last time I talked with him was a few years back, so i was a little surprised at his call. The conversation started out with a legal question, not unusual since I am a lawyer. But it quickly turned to more serious subjects and a hunger for the young man to find out what it is all about and where he fits into the scheme of things.
We talked for a long time and it seemed that all of the major "food groups" were discussed: Politics, religion, daily living, how to save money, job prospects. I answered his many questions and offered what I think was sound advice on techniques to quit smoking, cooking on the cheap, and staying focused on the big picture at a time when a lot of young people are simply concerned only with themselves.
I enjoyed being helpful. And I realized that once again I am my father's son. If there was one thing that my dad is always ready to do, it is to impart life skills advice. All of my life I have watched him affect for the good people's lives simply by calling attention to the fact that the decisions they were making were in fact hurting them. Sometimes brutally honest, other times subtle, my dad could see through to the heart of the matter.
Today I continued the tradition. With it I recalled something that Fr. Phillip Chavez explained when he was talking to me about the need for men to mentor young men. He said that with the breakup of the family and the absence of so many fathers from the home, young men are not being mentored by older men. This failure to have someone that a young man can go to to ask questions can affect the young man's maturation process and delay his ability to step into his role as an adult male. those who have the opportunity to mentor must accept the responsibility.
Ultimately I like to refer all of my conversations back to the source of all of our strength.
I recommend that we all stay close to God. for He is our best advisor, teacher and source of grace.

Friday, February 16, 2007

some Reflections in February

So much has been happening that blogging has taken a back seat to the pressing events of every day life. and while there are times when I can feel somewhat overwhelmed by everything that is taking place, I thank the dear sweet Lord that He reminds me to keep everything in perspective.

You children have a way of helping you to "keep it real." And there is nothing more wonderful that the genuine welcome of little arms when you walk through the door, - unless it is the welcome home kiss from your wife.

Then the craziness of the day and all that has happened melt away. I can take a moment and remember what is truly important.

Balance and perspective. All in a day's work.

Keeping it clean

Seems that those who hate the truth are determined to attack those who will speak it.

I have had my share of 'hate mail" over the years but the viciousness of anonymous writers is so pitiful. It reflects a weakness and lack of courage that a person would spout venom in order simply to hurt another.

So in order to insure that only appropriate comments are made to this site by those who wish to enter into a dialogue, I will be monitoring comments from now on.

Thanks for understanding.

perhaps Impeachment should be next.

When the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in favor of “same sex” marriage, I suggested that the Assembly should commence impeachment proceedings against these justices as a normal and natural response for the court’s intrusion into matters outside of their proper jurisdiction. Alas the Massachusetts legislature, being made up of a bunch of brainless wimps, not only failed to defend its turf, but punted when it came to the people demanding the matter be put to a vote.

Now New Jersey has followed suit. And once again I recommend that the state assembly institute impeachment proceedings against the four jurists who found the “right” to exercise a perversion in law.

Do they have the courage to defend the constitution and the proper role of the courts?

Do these legislators have the courage to defend the institution of marriage?

Do these legislators realize that these justices are frustrating the purpose and role of government? Are they attempting to subvert the very foundation of all society, the family? Is it their anger toward the traditional family, toward God, toward religion?

Will the people of New Jersey allow this to happen or will they act to defend the family?