the power of mercy and forgiveness
November is a month that reminds us
of death. In the Church calendar All Saints and All Souls mark the
first two days of the month. On November 11 the country celebrates
Veterans' Day and for many it is a reminder of those veterans who gave
"their last full measure of devotion" to defend this great land of ours.
For me personally, the month is also a reminder of family members lost.
All this reminding, remembering, recalling. So what's the message?
around you and consider what you have. Look at those relationships with
the people close to you. Embrace them; hold on to them; love them;
appreciate them.. For the truth is, you do not know how long you will
have them or they have you.
there people who have hurt you? Forgive them. Be reconciled to them.
Release them from the prison of your anger and you will find that you
have freed yourself. Realize that all of us have fallen short and
sinned before God. All of us deserve death. And yet His Son became a
human being, a little baby, just so he could die for our sins and
restore that relationship with Our Father. All of our sins, all of our
failings, all of our evil actions toward one another He took upon
Himself so that we might live and be free.
I so relish His mercy and forgiveness. I thank Him for being so compassionate to me. and I ask Him, "What can I do to show you my thanks?".
He told me - He told all of us what to do in the prayer He gave us. He told us that when we pray for God to forgive our sins, we should forgive those who sin against us.
Powerful and scary.
am to forgive those who hurt me. But wait that is not what the culture
tells us. Society would have us linger in our hatred and anger. After
all I have been harmed, hurt, assaulted, robbed, - you fill in the
blank. Granted the person who commits wrong should suffer a punishment.
Nothing in these thoughts suggest otherwise. And the punishment should
be appropriate to the betterment of the person and the appeasement of
true justice. But what of the bigger picture. In a post Christian
culture is it even to be considered? Are we left with the "quaint"
stories of saints who as they are dying, forgive their murderers and
nothing else? And what about other hurts, the family kind, the strains
between parents and children or between spouses or siblings or friends
or co-workers? How does one muster the strength to deal with betrayal
and loss? How are we to respond, not just to the every day attacks but
to the serious offenses that throw our lives into turmoil?
Christ's words are the same. Forgive them all the same.
we truly believe that God is in control, that He loves us and only
wants our happiness and joy, then whatever happens can be used by Him to
bring about great good. But we must trust Him. And I think sometimes as
we try to "contain" God in the box we have made for Him, that we
conveniently forget His admonition to us. We want to be justified in our
anger against the person who harmed us. We want that person to suffer
because we have suffered. Perhaps we forget that God uses these tragic
events to teach us as well, and perhaps to bring us closer to Him - even
when He is on the cross.
So as we continue throughout the month of November, let us seek to draw upon the Father's mercy and love. Let us recall the famous words of the playwright,
The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
can free us from the past, from the pain and from the control of the
one who would not want us to forgive. Forgiveness is more powerful than
the evil that would destroy us. It is the one gift that can bring us
life and restore any broken relationship. It is fitting then that
November ends with both Thanksgiving and the beginning of Advent in the
Christian calendar. Both events speak to an appreciation for the mercy
and love of Divine Providence. Both call us to reconcile with one
another so that we may break the cycle of cynicism and hate. In this way
we can teach our children the lasting benefits of mercy and
So as we pray for the many troubles of the day, take time to pray for those who have hurt you. Reconcile with them and ask God to give you the strength to forgive them as He would have you do.